Storage room you dreamed of! Unlimited bandwidth!

Hosting Services

We are great hosts! Join our party!

hosting services

Get anything you want!

You want a place for your web hosting? Stop searching! Social Active is here! A bandwidth that is unlimited, massive website storage, unlimited traffic, email hostage, as many domains as you need, whatever your company (or you) need we can provide it! Shared hosting, cloud hosting. Private hosting, we do them all, just tell what you need and we will consult you what to have.

Friendlier than your friends

Thanks to our intuitive panels you can access your site from anywhere and you don’t have to talk HTML 5 to do any alterations. At the same time we offer you safety and 100% security and confidentiality that your data are stored with the outmost respect towards their content and their code.
work 24h-7d

24/7 that actually means 24/7!

We support you 24/7. Contact us and we will help. WE, Social Active will solve your issue, not a mechanized message at the other end of the line, not a call center somewhere in Europe or Asia. Social Active has the human voice that will make your life easier if you scream “THE SERVER IS DOWN?”. Email, live chat, FB message, talk to us and let us help you.

Reliable hosting HERE

99.9% Uptime! Hosting the Social Active way!

Advanced firewall security guarranteed

Hosting Stats

36 TB Bandwidth

345 Sites hosted so far

3.4 sites added per week

3.105 e-mails per week

Reliable solutions with Social Active!